Thursday, April 24, 2014

The functions of "I"

This is my first attempt at articulating these concepts of the shadow forms of the parts of self.  They are not clear or precise however, I am attempting to explore them and to strengthen my connections to them.  I would appreciate any insights you care to offer.  I reserve the right to learn and clarify or, to completely change my thoughts on the matter.   

The five parts of the self, the spirit, mind, heart, soul and body, each have a role to play in guiding us on this path.  They each have a vital function in our magick.  Without each one of them being engaged, the process falls short.

“To know, to will, to dare, to keep silent” or in other words, intellect, will, desire and action become manifestation.  These are all necessary however; these are active forms and projective forces. 

Yet each of these parts has a polarity, a shadow form that is receptive and passive. And by shadow I do not refer to the negative darkness that resides inside each of us but, rather the non-rational, non-skeptical, non-logical connection with the universe of which we are each capable if we allow ourselves to see/hear/smell/taste/feel/know it.

I think of them as “the functions of I”

Inspiration, Imagination, Intuition, Integrity, and Instinct.

Magick can originate with any one of them but, they must all be engaged for the process to ultimately work.  They are each a means of receiving information but, intellect alone will not accomplish anything.  For magick to actually occur, the functions of I must each “agree”.

Inspiration is the voice of spirit, that flash or spark that cannot be designed or commanded. 

Imagination is the shadow of intellect.  It is the ability to let go of what is and believe in what could be. 

Intuition resides in the heart.  It is an emotional understanding or knowing something outside of myself.

Integrity is the truth of the soul, the shadow of will.  It is the knowing that something is “right”.

Instinct is the body speaking to us, overriding the logic and language of the “civilized” social human.

Again, this is my first attempt at articulating these concepts.  I am attempting to explore them and to strengthen my connections to them.  I would appreciate any insights you care to offer.  I reserve the right to learn and clarify or completely change my thoughts on the matter.  

Blessed be.  

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