The first goal of a witch is to know thyself. Unless we know who we are, all our study, all
our work, all our magick, gains us nothing.
I met with a High Priestess of my Tradition last week. She is particularly skilled at natal astrology
and my High Priestess suggested I speak with her to gain clarity about the next
steps on my journey.
She gave me guidance, and a great deal of insight. She pointed out to me a few things that I have
not seen. I have not been willfully
blind, but much of my internal workings are still hidden to my conscious mind. And much of my energy is spent keeping them
hidden from myself, as well as from the sight of others. I come from a long line of secret-keepers.
This woman is adept at seeing beyond the glamour that my instinctive
self creates. She is equally adept at
helping me to see clearly as well. She gave me a few challenges, and the first among
them is to see past the distractions and to finally see who I truly am. She pointed out to me that I know who I truly am
and that, deep down, I really do not care what anyone else thinks of me.
She is right in that.
Other’s opinions of me are irrelevant.
Their perceptions are almost never accurate or reliable. Most people are blind, and their opinions are
always, at least in part, colored by their own emotions and experiences.
What does matter to me is what I think of my actions,
motivations, emotions, behavior, and how they affect others. What matters to me is whether or not I express
myself with integrity and honor, and what impact I have on those I love.
What matters to us says a lot about who we truly are. I know what matters to me.